
时间:2024-09-24 编辑: 浏览:(173)

美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 已要求美国证券交易委员会支付180万美元的费用,以支付其债务盒诉讼的法律费用.

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JUST IN: Judge 订单 SEC to pay .8 million in damages for abusing its power against crypto company 'DEBT Box.' pic.twitter.com/3A5jt3iL9e

— Watcher.Guru (@WatcherGuru) May 28, 2024

The court 序列 includes almost 7,000 for a court-appointed receiver, according to Judge Robert Shelby of Utah. Shelby previously sanctioned the regulator for “gross abuse of power” in the case, including false statements made by the SEC’s lawyers. The SEC will have to pay nearly 0,000 to 债务盒子 in fees and costs as part of the ruling.

The sanctions against the SEC require the regulator to cover “all attorney fees and costs arising from the improvidently entered ex parte relief.” Judge Shelby ruled that all costs requested by the defendants in the case were “appropriate,” except a single 9 fee.


“This is a significant win for us,” said 债务盒子 in a post to X (formerly Twitter). “It means that the SEC cannot proceed with the case as it stands.”

美国证券交易委员会于2023年7月起诉了"债务盒子".监管机构指责DEBT Box及其高管欺骗至少4900万美元的投资者.虽然Shelby法官立即站在SEC的边,迫使公司结资产,但他最终发现监管机构做了"物质错误和误的陈述".因此,他改变了他的想法并煽动了制裁.

美国证券交易委员会多名律师 resigned after Judge Shelby sanctioned the agency. However, now they are involved in the parties that must pay back 债务盒子.

债务盒子 秒 Source: 观察员.guru 分享. 互联网 推特 爱情 链接 布勒 电子邮件 Previous Article Next Article

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