现在基础链上最流行的加密货币——Ethlas、Grand Base、Mfercoin

时间:2024-09-22 编辑: 浏览:(237)

Ethereum is finally showing signs of price action as it recorded an increase of over 4% in the past 48 hours, closer to the k mark. With the ETH price pump, the altcoin market might see increased momentum in the new week. One network of interest to investors is the Base chain. It gained attention after it replaced Solana as the platform of choice for memecoin crypto projects early in the last quarter. The top trending cryptocurrencies on the Base chain appear to outperform the market. Thus, today’s post provides some context to the market trends of the best-performing crypto tokens in the network. Most Trending Cryptocurrency on Base Chain Moreover, the article includes an overview of the 99Bitcoins presale offering. The project kicked off the presale offering of its native cryptocurrency, the 99BTC, which has attracted over .6 million as of the time of writing. The growing investors’ interest in the project makes it an asset of interest, and this article takes a deep dive into the uniqueness of the 99Bitcoins platform and provides insight into why it’s worth the hype. 1. Ethlas (ELS) Ethlas, a trailblazer in Web3 gaming, is gaining attention with its cutting-edge games and infrastructure tools. By enhancing Web3 experiences, Ethlas strives to make this technology more accessible and secure for users and companies. With ambitions similar to industry leaders like Epic Games and Valve, Ethlas aims to make a lasting impact through their game titles and the infrastructure they offer. Moreover, the company’s governance token, $ELS, empowers holders to influence the project’s direction and growth. As Ethlas expands, the $ELS token will benefit from increased player engagement, games, and transactions. The current price of Ethlas (ELS) stands at {内容}.2953, reflecting a 7.97% increase in the last 24 hours. ELS’ 24-hour trading volume reached ,710,049. Over the past week, $ELS has seen a notable 24.17% price rise. This performance significantly outperforms the global cryptocurrency market, which has seen a modest increase of 0.30%, and Ethereum Ecosystem cryptocurrencies, which have risen by 12.70%. And it keeps getting better

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