
时间:2024-09-20 编辑: 浏览:(966)


On May 27, the Solana community批准proposal SIMD-0096 to allocate 100% of priority fees to network validators and abandon the network's token burning mechanism. The proposal passed with astrongmajority of 77% votescastin favor.





例如,考虑一个情况,一个提交交易者希望优先考虑其交易,该提案说. 根据现有的模式,他们可能会选择直接向集体生产商支付75%的优先费,以确保他们的交易迅速处理,而不是支付100%的优先费,而集体生产商只收到50%的优先费.

埃弗斯泰克,吉托和索伦德认为该提案更好地调整激励措施并提高网络效率,而Step Finance,Triton和Solana Compass反对这一变化.

Hanko Baggins from Bandito Stake warned that eliminating the burn mechanism could lead to excessive SOL inflation.“While our bags would significantly benefit from the increased fees, I amnot comfortable withremoving the burn mechanism,”Baggins没有说.

“Validators are leaning towards being greedy, whichisn'tgreat news for retail investors,”添加Xuser,dmoutouss.

Anatoly Yakovenko, Solana co-founder,表达support for the proposal, emphasizing the inefficiencies of the currentsystem’sJito tips —which arethe share of priority fees paid to validators to prioritize transactions.




Solana'stransaction feesto an all-time high of {内容}.06 on March 18 amid a prolonged period of heavy congestion on the network thatpersists to this day. Although transaction fees have since dropped to价格为0.016美元, costs remain higher than on several leading Ethereum Layer 2s, including Arbitrum, Linea, and Starknet, according to GrowThePie.

According to Dune Analytics, more than占比 56%of transactions have failed on Solana throughout May.



In September 2021, ain bot activity led to a 17-hour network outage. In 2023, another major outage was triggered by heavy network traffic following a software upgrade, requiring that validators manually restart the network. In February, the Solana blockchain network遭受了five hours of downtime.


CoinGecko research shows that Solana实现a peak daily average of 1,504 transactions per second (TPS), making it 46 times faster than Ethereum, which managed around 22.7 TPS at its peak. However,it'simportant to note that Ethereum is scaling via Layer 2 solutions, significantly bolsteringEthereum’sTPS capacity on L2.

索拉纳的高吞吐量主要是由于其独特的历史证明 (PoH) 共识机制,


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