
时间:2024-09-21 编辑: 浏览:(229)

The cryptocurrency market looks bullish, with some coins trying to bounce back. Bitcoin (BTC) is gradually returning to ,000, hoping to find support for its next big move. Investors need to stay alert during this consolidation phase as it could be a chance to catch a ride on a rising trend. Institutional investors are now paying more attention to interoperability and tokenizing real-world assets. Prices of these assets are climbing, even before the market takes off entirely. The objective is to identify the next cryptocurrencies to explode and inform investors and traders about each token. Next Cryptocurrency To Explode Attention in the crypto market in the coming month will go toward the altcoin sector and making the most of the altcoin market. Hence, investors can capitalize on the moment and take a position in upcoming tokens like the Dogeverse. The project enables investors to explore different chains to find the most lucrative decentralized yield-generating opportunities. This post covers the details of its presale. 1. Bittensor (TAO) The decentralized AI project Bittensor has experienced a significant increase in the value of its native token, TAO. Over the past day, TAO has risen by more than 10%, possibly due to an unverified rumor about Grayscale planning to register a new trust for the token. Bittensor’s price has increased by 11.55%, reaching 5.64. This represents a 20.85% gain compared to last week, according to CoinMarketCap data. This recent achievement has made TAO the best-performing asset among the top 100 on CoinGecko, surpassing even ETH meme coin favorite PepeCoin. A pseudonymous Crypto Twitter user, CEYEBER, who founded the official Bittensor Community Channel on Telegram, asserts that the Grayscale rumor has been “confirmed by close sources.” Nevertheless, there is no supporting evidence in SEC filings. If the TAO offer were structured as a closed-end fund available over the counter to wealthy investors, similar to the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust before it became a spot ETF, there would likely be a regulation filing. The Taobot, part of the Bittensor ecosystem, has had a successful week. On Tuesday, the team announced its acceptance as one of the first projects to join Akash Network’s LlaMa 3 API beta. The Taobot team has also started collaborating with the Bittensor Subnet 15 project, Blockchain Insights. This partnership aims to enable users to analyze blockchain data using simple language. 2. Livepeer (LPT) Since the beginning of the month, the LPT price has shown strong upward movement, increasing by 87.95%. Additionally, in the past 24 hours, the altcoin’s trading volume has surged to 9.24 million, reflecting a 134.79% increase and a 6.45% rise in price. Livepeer is one of the blockchain projects that has significantly changed how we consume content. Recently, Livepeer introduced a new feature: an AI video generation layer. This update, announced during Berlin Blockchain Week, has set high expectations. Livepeer will showcase its latest advancements in decentralized content creation and streaming at the event. The new feature adds generative AI capabilities and a video generation subnet to Livepeer’s fast decentralized streaming approach. This makes content production and viewing simpler and more affordable through decentralization. Creators handle writing, editing, and submitting work, while Livepeer manages distribution. Introducing the Livepeer AI Subnet!

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