
时间:2024-10-02 编辑: 浏览:(530)










董事会主席Amar s.Doman评论道:“尽管大多数木材产品类别的价格持续下跌,但今年还是有一个良好的开端,收入几乎与去年第一季度持平。我们的库存管理和运营纪律继续加强了我们的毛利率和资产负债表。我也要欢迎我们东南收购的员工,该公司现在已整合到我们的Doman lumber部门。”


截至2024年3月31日的三个月2023(以千美元计)净收益14374 14911所得税准备金2041 2259财务成本10837 10557折旧和摊销17532 17114 EBITDA 44784 44841收购成本817-调整后的EBITDA 45601 44841




加拿大多曼建材公司(Doman Building Materials Canada)战略布局于加拿大各地,经营着海岸到海岸的配送中心,加拿大多曼处理木材公司(Domman Treated Wood Canada)在主要城市附近经营着多家处理厂;多曼木材公司总部位于得克萨斯州达拉斯,在九个州经营着21家处理厂、两家专业刨削厂和五家专业锯木厂,为美国中部地区分销、生产和处理木材、围栏和建筑材料。;Doman Building Materials USA和Doman Treated Wood USA服务于美国西海岸,在加利福尼亚州和俄勒冈州有多个地点;在夏威夷州,Honsador建筑产品集团为所有岛屿的15个地点提供服务。该公司在加拿大的业务还包括私人林地和森林许可证的所有权和管理,以及通过其多曼木材业务进行的农业后剥离和压力处理。



Ali Mahdavi投资者关系部416-962-3300ali.mahdavi@domanbm.com

Certain statements in this press release may constitute “forward-looking” statements. When used in this press release, forward-looking statements often but not always, can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as, including but not limited to, “may”, “will”, “intend”, “should”, “expect”, “believe”, “outlook”, “predict”, “remain”, “anticipate”, “estimate”, “potential”, “continue”, “plan”, “could”, “might”, “project”, “targeting” or the inverse or negative of these terms or other similar terminology. Forward-looking information in the Q1 2024 Reporting Documents includes, without limitation, statements regarding funding requirements, dividends, commodity pricing, debt repayment, interest rates, economic conditions data and housing starts. Additionally, the ultimate impact of COVID-19 on the Company’s results is difficult to quantify, as it will depend on, inter alia, the ongoing duration and impact of the pandemic, the impact of government policies, and the pace of economic recovery. These statements are based on management’s current expectations regarding future events and operating performance, and on information currently available to management, speak only as of the date of the Q1 2024 Reporting Documents and are subject to risks which are described in the Company’s current Annual Information Form dated March 28, 2024 (“AIF”) and the Company’s public filings on the Canadian Securities Administrators’ website at www.sedarplus.com (“SEDAR”) and as updated from time to time, and would include, but are not limited to, dependence on market economic conditions, risks related to the impact of geopolitical conflicts, local, national, and international health concerns, including but not limited to COVID-19 or other viruses, epidemics or pandemics, sales and margin risk, acquisition and integration risks and operational risks related thereto, competition, information system risks, technology risks, cybersecurity risks, availability of supply of products, interest rate risks, inflation risks, risks associated with the introduction of new product lines, product design risk, product liability risk, modern slavery and supply chain risks, environmental risks, climate change risks, volatility of commodity prices, inventory risks, customer and vendor risks, contract performance risk, availability of credit, credit risks, performance bond risk, currency risks, insurance risks, tax risks, risks of legislative or regulatory changes, international trade and tariff risks, operational and safety risks, resource industry risks, resource extraction risks, risks relating to remote operations, forestry management and silviculture, fire and natural disaster risks, key executive risk and litigation risks. These risks and uncertainties may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the statements. Such statements reflect management’s current views and are based on certain assumptions. Some of the key assumptions include, but are not limited to, assumptions regarding the performance of the Canadian and the United States (“US”) economies, the impact of COVID-19, other viruses, epidemics, pandemics or health risks, interest rates, exchange rates, inflation, capital and loan availability, commodity pricing, the Canadian and the US housing and building materials markets; international trade matters; post-acquisition operation of a business; the amount of the Company’s cash flow from operations; tax laws; laws and regulations relating to the protection of the environment, including the impacts of climate change, and natural resources; and the extent of the Company’s future acquisitions and capital spending requirements or planning in respect thereto, including but not limited to the performance of any such business and its operation; availability or more limited availability of access to equity and debt capital markets to fund, at acceptable costs, the Company’s future growth plans, the implementation and success of the integration of acquisitions, the ability of the Company to refinance its debts as they mature; the direct and indirect effect of the US housing market and economy; exchange rate fluctuations between the Canadian and US dollar; retention of key personnel; the Company’s ability to sustain its level of sales and earnings margins; the Company’s ability to grow its business long-term and to manage its growth; the Company’s management information systems upon which it is dependent are not impaired, ransomed or unavailable; the Company’s insurance is sufficient to cover losses that may occur as a result of its operations as well as the general level of economic activity, in Canada and the US, and abroad, discretionary spending and unemployment levels; the effect of general economic conditions; market demand for the Company’s products, and prices for such products; the effect of forestry, land use, environmental and other governmental regulations; and the risk of losses from fires, floods and other natural disasters and unemployment levels. They are, by necessity, only estimates of future developments and actual developments may differ materially from these statements due to a number of known and unknown factors. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. All forward-looking information in the Q1 2024 Reporting Documents is qualified by these cautionary statements. Although the forward-looking information contained in the Q1 2024 Reporting Documents is based on what management believes are reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. Certain statements included in the Q1 2024 Reporting Documents may be considered “financial outlook” for purposes of applicable securities laws, and such financial outlook may not be appropriate for purposes other than the Q1 2024 Reporting Documents.

此外,对公司普通股和高级无担保票据的投资也存在许多风险,这些风险也在2024年第一季度报告文件的“风险和不确定性”部分中进行了进一步描述,包括但不限于Doman向加拿大证券委员会提交的定期报告和其他报告中描述的因素和风险,这些因素和风险可在SEDAR上的Doman 2024年3月28日年度信息表的“风险因素”部分中获得,可能会不时更新。这些前瞻性声明仅在本新闻稿发布之日起生效。我们提醒注意,上述可能影响未来结果的因素并非详尽无遗。在依靠我们的前瞻性声明做出与多曼有关的决定时,投资者和其他人应仔细考虑上述因素以及其他不确定性和潜在事件。



(1) 有关更多信息,请参阅我们的2024年第一季度MD&A和财务报表(“2024年第1季度报告文件”)。我们2024年第一季度的财务报表申报是根据《国际财务报告准则》(“IFRS”)进行报告的。

(2) 在讨论中,提到了息税折旧及摊销前利润,它表示扣除利息后的持续经营收益,包括递延融资成本的摊销、所得税准备金、折旧和摊销。根据《国际财务报告准则》,这不是一个普遍接受的盈利指标,也没有《国际财务报表准则》规定的标准化含义,因此多曼计算的指标可能无法与其他公司报告的类似标题的指标相比较。我们认为息税折旧摊销前利润是衡量公司偿债能力和资本支出要求的有用指标,我们将息税折旧及摊销前利润的趋势解释为相对经营业绩的指标。投资者不应将息税折旧及摊销前利润视为根据《国际财务报告准则》确定的净收益或现金流的替代品。有关息税折旧摊销前利润与根据《国际会计准则》计算的最直接可比指标的对账,请参阅“净收益与息税折旧和摊销前利润(EBITDA)和调整后息税折旧折旧及摊销后利润的对账”。

(3) 在讨论中,在某些非经常性或不寻常项目之前,参考了调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润,即上文定义的息税摊销前利润。根据《国际财务报告准则》,这不是一个普遍接受的盈利指标,也没有《国际财务报表准则》规定的标准化含义。多曼计算的指标可能无法与其他公司报告的类似标题的指标相比较。我们认为,调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润是多曼在非经常性项目之前满足常规业务偿债和资本支出要求的有用指标。投资者不应将调整后的息税折旧及摊销前利润视为根据《国际财务报告准则》确定的净收益或现金流的替代品。关于调整后息税折旧摊销前利润与根据《国际会计准则》计算的最直接可比指标的对账,请参阅“净收益与息税折旧和摊销前利润(EBITDA)和调整后息税前利润的对账”。

(4) 2024年3月15日,多曼宣布季度股息为每股0.14美元,于2024年4月12日支付给2024年2月28日登记在册的股东。有关更多信息,请参阅我们2024年第一季度的MD&A和财务报表。

(5) 2024年3月1日,Doman宣布已完成对Southeast Forest Products Treated,有限公司的收购。有关更多信息,请参阅我们2024年1月1日的新闻稿和2024年第一季度的报告文件。

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