Mastercard Joins with Access Bank for Cross-Border Payments in Africa

时间:2024-09-24 编辑: 浏览:(737)

Access Bank Group, a multinational banking institution, has recently unveiled a collaborative effort with Mastercard aimed at enhancing access to cross-border payments Cross-Border Payments Cross-border payments refer to transactions involving individuals, companies, banks or settlement institutions operating in at least two different countries.The concept of cross-border payment is not new however, despite its rise in importance in the 21st century.New technology and the growth of blockchain has brought the term cross-border payment into our daily conversations.Cross-border payments are an essential term that refers to any transaction involving private individuals’ companies, bank Cross-border payments refer to transactions involving individuals, companies, banks or settlement institutions operating in at least two different countries.The concept of cross-border payment is not new however, despite its rise in importance in the 21st century.New technology and the growth of blockchain has brought the term cross-border payment into our daily conversations.Cross-border payments are an essential term that refers to any transaction involving private individuals’ companies, bank Read this Term and remittances within the African continent.

This initiative is described as a strategic move towards integrating Africa into the global economy, emphasizing the partnership's use of Mastercard Move's network and treasury capabilities. Utilizing Access Bank's Access Africa platform, individuals and businesses stand to gain from quicker, traceable, and cost-effective international transactions.

Expanding Cross-Border Payment across Africa

The implementation of this solution extends across Africa, with outlined strategies for broader coverage throughout the continent. Access Bank Group's Access Africa platform, strengthened by Mastercard's network assets and treasury expertise, aims to provide an array of payment alternatives for its clientele.

Access Bank customers within the bank's operational jurisdictions across Africa now possess the capability to conduct cross-border payments globally through various channels, including bank accounts, mobile wallets, cards, and cash.

“This collaboration signifies our commitment to transforming payment experiences as it not only brings cutting-edge payment solutions to the bank’s diverse clientele but also extends the reach of Mastercard's financial and digital ecosystem, ensuring millions from underserved communities can actively participate in the evolving financial and digital economy," said Mark Elliott, Division President for Africa at Mastercard.

Access Bank and Mastercard Launch Solution to Expand Access to Cross-Border Payments in Africa — Tech Labari (@TechLabari) May 21, 2024

Growth in Remittance Flows for Sub-Saharan Africa

Cross-border remittances retain their significance in Africa's economic landscape, evidenced by a notable 1.9% surge in flows to Sub-Saharan Africa in 2023, totalling billion. This growth is attributed to substantial remittance increases in Mozambique, Rwanda, and Ethiopia, with Nigeria emerging as a significant contributor.

Projections indicate a further 2.5% uptick in remittance flows for the region in 2024. Moreover, business-to-business cross-border payments Payments One of the bases of mediums of exchange in the modern world, a payment constitutes the transfer of a legal currency or equivalent from one party in exchange for goods or services to another entity. The payments industry has become a fixture of modern commerce, though the players involved and means of exchange have dramatically shifted over time.In particular, a party making a payment is referred to as a payer, with the payee reflecting the individual or entity receiving the payment. Most commonl One of the bases of mediums of exchange in the modern world, a payment constitutes the transfer of a legal currency or equivalent from one party in exchange for goods or services to another entity. The payments industry has become a fixture of modern commerce, though the players involved and means of exchange have dramatically shifted over time.In particular, a party making a payment is referred to as a payer, with the payee reflecting the individual or entity receiving the payment. Most commonl Read this Term serve as indispensable conduits for many enterprises reliant on regional and international trade to propel African economic growth.

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