专访Vield首席财务官Sam Teoh

时间:2024-09-23 编辑: 浏览:(494)

Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with Sam Teoh, a distinguished figure in the world of finance and cryptocurrency. Currently serving as the Chief Financial Officer of Vield, a pioneering company based in Sydney that specializes in providing innovative crypto-backed loans, Sam brings a wealth of experience and insight to the table. Before joining Vield, he made significant strides in the cryptocurrency industry as the CEO of Binance Australia. Sam's expertise in financial management and his forward-thinking approach have positioned him as a key player in the Australian crypto space. Could you share a bit about your journey from being the CFO at Binance Australia to becoming the CFO at Vield? What motivated this transition? I feel incredibly fortunate to have co-founded Binance Australia. The experience I gained was truly enlightening and provided me with invaluable insights and growth opportunities in the world of cryptocurrency. I’m eager to leverage the lessons learned at Binance to help scale Vield effectively. My primary motivation is to assist Bitcoin holders in preserving their capital while also providing them the opportunity to unlock liquidity and realize some paper gains. From your extensive experience in the cryptocurrency market, what are the key challenges and opportunities you see in the crypto lending space today? As the market continues to develop, education stands out as a primary hurdle. Many potential investors are still learning the basics of cryptocurrency, which can limit their willingness to engage with more complex aspects like crypto lending. However, this also presents a remarkable opportunity for platforms like Vield to guide and educate users. By empowering investors with knowledge, we can help them use cryptocurrency to protect their investments and improve their financial well-being, much like the transformative impact of the internet. As the market matures, the organisations that prioritise user education will likely lead in creating broader adoption and trust in crypto technologies. What unique strategies is Vield implementing to attract and retain trust from both new and seasoned crypto investors Vield's approach to building trust with both new and seasoned crypto investors centers around a commitment to transparency and security, particularly in how we handle collateral. Unlike some platforms that rehypothecate assets, Vield ensures that the crypto collateral provided by our customers is not reused or re-lent. This policy means that during the loan period, each customer's assets are securely stored and untouched, offering peace of mind amidst the uncertainties often seen in the crypto lending market. This practice sets us apart, especially considering the issues faced by companies like Celsius and Genesis, and reinforces our dedication to integrity and reliability in our lending services. Could you discuss any upcoming features or products that Vield is planning to launch tin the crypto lending space? Vield is excited to announce a significant addition to our suite of products with the introduction of a crypto-backed credit card slated for release in the middle of this year. Building on the principles of our crypto-backed loans, this credit card will offer users a line of credit without liquidating their underlying crypto collateral with each transaction. This approach not only simplifies the spending process but also avoids triggering capital gains taxes on each purchase, which can complicate financial management during tax season. By providing this seamless integration of credit and crypto assets, we aim to redefine convenience and financial efficiency in crypto lending. How important is regulatory compliance in your strategy to build trust with Vield’s clients? Regulatory compliance is fundamental to building and maintaining trust with our clients at Vield. We operate with the philosophy that "trust is earned, not given." To this end, Vield is committed to doing the right thing—adhering strictly to regulatory requirements and ensuring the security of our customers' crypto assets. By prioritising compliance, we not only provide a safe and reliable platform but also reinforce our dedication to delivering a trustworthy product to our customers. This approach is essential as we strive to uphold the confidence our users place in us and continue to foster a secure investment environment. What risk management practices does Vield employ to protect its users against the inherent volatility and risks in the crypto market? Vield employs several strict risk management practices to protect its users against the inherent volatility of the crypto market. By offering our loan products with a Loan-to-Value Ratio (LVR) of 50%, we significantly reduce the risk of liquidation during volatile market periods. Additionally, the safety of our customers' underlying crypto assets is a top priority; these assets are not used for trading or speculative purposes. Instead, they are securely held in Utila, a multi-party computation (MPC) wallet, known for its advanced security features. This approach ensures that our customers' investments are well-protected and managed with the highest standards of security. What role do you think blockchain technology will play in the future of financial services, particularly in lending? By enabling users to unlock liquidity from their cryptocurrency holdings through loans, opens up a vast potential market. As the cryptocurrency sector continues to mature and becomes more regulated, its impact could be as transformative as the internet's was on global communication. This evolution suggests that cryptocurrency will not only revolutionize financial services but could also influence many aspects of our daily lives, making financial transactions more efficient, accessible, and secure. What advice would you give to investors who are looking to enter the crypto lending space? When considering entering the crypto lending space, it’s crucial to conduct thorough due diligence. Before entrusting your hard-earned cryptocurrency to a lender, verify their credibility and review their practices carefully. Specifically, avoid lenders that rehypothecate or trade with your assets. Look for a provider that prioritizes transparency and maintains strict security measures to protect your investments. This level of scrutiny will help ensure that your assets are in safe hands and that you're making a well-informed decision. How do you create a culture of innovation and compliance at Vield, and why is this important for the company's success? At Vield, we promote a culture of innovation and compliance by emphasising the importance of ownership in education, training, and upskilling. This approach is important within the team because it ensures that every team member is not only equipped with the latest knowledge and skills but is also deeply committed to user protection. By prioritizing these areas, we create a workforce that is proactive about compliance and innovative in solving challenges. This dual focus is essential for maintaining the trust of our users and for driving the company’s success in this fast changing financial sector. Learn more about Vield and crypto backed loans. 共有Facebook推特Pinterest LinkedIn汤博乐电子邮件 上一篇文章SmartyTrade福利和赠品下一篇文章智能交易福利和赠品 相关帖子替代多边形,Retik Finance(Retik)于2024年5月21日发布;专家预测前30天内将上涨20倍2024年5月14日-671次浏览量比特币(BTC)之战6100美元,以太坊(ETH)之眼2858美元,Furrever代币(FURR)的20000美元比赛激发热情2024年7月14日-2764次浏览量BlockDAG以盛大的风格点亮皮卡迪利广场,用于CoinMarketCap上市,目标是30美元的目标超过Dogeverse&WienerAI五月142024-598视图 新闻稿Kiyosaki与Kinesis坐下来谈论“货币的演变”新闻稿2024年5月13日-3448次观看MAGA VP($MVP)市值飙升,关注特朗普的数据,$SHIB和$DOGE关注新闻稿2024年5月13-3880次观看智能投资的顶级加密货币新闻稿20245月13-7007次观看投资加密货币,同时支持动物和与Chimpzee Crypto对抗气候变化新闻稿20247年5月13-8682次观看未来证明您的投资组合:在收紧监管的情况下考虑Hodling的顶级加密硬币新闻稿202413日-358次观看在加密货币世界与CurrencyMiner新闻发布2024年5月13日-8883视图

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