新的加密货币今日发布、上市和预售-Alpha AI、Increment、99比特币

时间:2024-09-23 编辑: 浏览:(494)

Former U.S. President Donald Trump has backed cryptocurrency, adopting it as a means of donation in his ongoing campaign. Meanwhile, Ether spot ETF has received the operational green light in the US, propelling mainstream institutional adoption. With the positive developments surrounding digital assets and their adoption, investors seek tokens for portfolio adjustment. New cryptocurrency releases, listings, and presales are also entering the spotlight. InsideBitcoins aids this search by curating the best tokens that fit this description and detailing their Features, utilities, and market prospects. New Cryptocurrency Releases, Listings, and Presales Today The Increment protocol presents a groundbreaking concept with its autonomous smart contract system, eliminating the need for upgradability. In the current dynamic digital environment, artificial intelligence is reshaping numerous industries. Dogeverse has captured considerable interest with its enticing APY of 48%, amassing over million during its presale. Meanwhile, 99Bitcoins, boasting funding surpassing .6 million, stands out for its accessible blockchain education platform. Ahead of a speech to Libertarians, Trump emphasizes the importance of the United States leading in cryptocurrency. 1. Increment (INCR) The Increment protocol introduces an autonomous, non-upgradable smart contract system. It leverages pooled collateral-backed virtual assets for liquidity, utilizing Curve V2’s Automated Market Maker (AMM) for trade execution. One of the key features of Increment is its concentrated liquidity. Liquidity is automatically focused around the market price using Curve’s mathematical approach. This levels the playing field for market makers and provides a passive liquidity provision experience for all users. Additionally, the AMM dynamically adjusts trading fees within a range set through governance. This helps reduce impermanent loss costs for liquidity providers. Another important feature is the ability to program pool parameters through governance. This allows the accommodation of both volatile and stable assets. Moreover, Increment offers a comprehensive infrastructure for decentralized trading and passive liquidity provision. It positions itself as an alternative to existing on-chain perpetual futures protocols. Users can engage with the protocol in various ways. Traders can take leveraged long or short positions on listed perpetual markets. Liquidity providers can deposit funds into each market, acting as passive market makers in exchange for trading fees. Liquidators can operate liquidation bots to liquidate underwater positions for a percentage of the position. Stakers can lock tokens to support the protocol’s safety and receive insurance fees and rewards. Governance participants can contribute to protocol governance and influence its future direction. Liquidity for the SyncSwap INCR/ETH Aqua Pool on zkSync Era has been ignited!

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