
时间:2024-09-23 编辑: 浏览:(86)

As the US inches closer to the possibility of approving Ether ETFs, the crypto market is buzzing with potential. This development mirrors the earlier approval of Bitcoin ETFs, which propelled Bitcoin to record highs. Traders are shifting strategies, anticipating significant growth in Ether and related assets. In line with this, Ether surged nearly 14% on Monday, reaching ,675 by Tuesday morning. Bitcoin wasn’t left out, soaring to an impressive ,000, just shy of its March all-time high of ,000. Bloomberg analysts have now raised the expected probability of the SEC approval to 75% from 25%. All eyes are on the SEC’s decision on a spot-Ether ETF, expected by May 23. Biggest Crypto Gainers Today – Top List With the surge in ether, it is no surprise that a significant portion of the 92% of cryptocurrencies exhibiting value appreciation in the past 24 hours are Ethereum-based tokens. Among these notable performers are Ethereum Name Service, Arbitrum, Aragon, and Loopring—tokens we’ve termed top gainers for today. ENS surged by 41.62%, ARB by 18.03%, ANT by 17.34%, and LRC by 15.59% in the last 24 hours. However, beyond mere numerical growth, their innovative projects allure discerning investors. This highlights a convergence of visionary concepts and market traction. 1. Ethereum Name Service (ENS) Ethereum Name Service is a distributed naming system on the Ethereum blockchain. It converts human-readable addresses like ethan.eth into machine-readable codes used in wallets like Metamask. It also supports reverse conversion, linking metadata and machine-readable addresses with human-readable ones. ENS simplifies blockchain usage by making Ethereum-based web addresses easier to access, akin to how DNS makes the internet more user-friendly. It employs a hierarchical domain structure, giving domain owners full control over their subdomains. ENS is the first service to transfer DNS functionality to the decentralized Web3. ENS runs on Ethereum, secured by a proof-of-work consensus mechanism and over 10,000 decentralized nodes. This decentralization prevents hacking and ensures robust security. ENS has partnerships with wallets like Coinbase Wallet and Trust Wallet, enhancing its utility. Big news, ENS family! We're thrilled to announce @ensdomains is partnering with @garypalmerjr as a community advocate for a series of ENS Water Cooler Spaces! — ens.eth (@ensdomains) May 15, 2024 ENS trades at .59, up 41.62% in the last 24 hours. Over the past year, its price has surged by 105%. It trades 128.00% above its 200-day SMA of .99. However, the 14-day RSI is at 40.88, indicating neutral sentiment. In the last 30 days, 12 were positive, making up 40%, with 30-day volatility at 5%. ENS boasts remarkable liquidity, with a volume-to-market cap ratio of 0.7931, reflecting its robust trading activity. 2. Arbitrum (ARB) Arbitrum is an Ethereum layer-two (L2) scaling solution that uses optimistic rollups to improve Ethereum’s speed, scalability, and cost-efficiency. It leverages Ethereum’s security while offering higher throughput and lower fees by moving most computation and storage off-chain. ARB, the native token, facilitates governance, enabling holders to vote on protocol changes, fund allocation, and Security Council elections. Arbitrum supports unmodified EVM contracts, enabling existing Ethereum DApps to run without code changes. It handles thousands of transactions per second with low fees and fast finality while maintaining Ethereum’s security. In a unique approach, a decentralized network of validators actively stakes ARB tokens, securing the network and empowering token holders by distributing fees. This innovative system eliminates reliance on a centralized operator, fostering a democratic and resilient ecosystem. The ecosystem includes protocols like GMX, Treasure, Camelot, and Radiant Capital. This week in #ArbitrumDAO

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