
时间:2024-09-30 编辑: 浏览:(794)

圣路易斯,2024年5月14日/PRNewswire/-致力于帮助人们过上更健康生活的领先医疗保健企业Centene Corporation(NYSE:CNC)今天宣布,堪萨斯州行政部已选择其位于堪萨斯州的子公司向日葵健康计划(Sunflower),继续通过堪萨斯州的医疗补助和儿童健康保险计划(CHIP)KanCare提供管理医疗保健服务。新的三年期合同预计将于2025年1月1日生效,可选择续约两次,最多12个月。


Centene首席执行官Sarah M.London表示:“我们很荣幸能够继续为堪萨斯州依赖医疗补助的人服务十多年的历史。”。“展望未来,我们很高兴能够实现国家对综合、全人护理的重新关注,并为会员和提供者提供最佳支持。我们期待着继续与国家建立强有力的合作伙伴关系,为KanCare会员的健康做出进一步贡献。”


向日葵计划总裁兼首席执行官Michael Stephens表示:“我们很荣幸能够继续与堪萨斯州合作,通过整体和综合护理进一步减少医疗保健差距,改善健康状况。”。“与该州对下一代KanCare的合作愿景相一致,向日葵准备并热衷于在为有长期和特殊需求的个人的健康、身心健康和独立性做出贡献方面发挥重要作用。”

关于Centene Corporation Centene公司是一家财富500强公司,是一家领先的医疗保健企业,致力于 帮助人们过上更健康的生活。该公司采用当地方式,与当地品牌和当地团队合作,为政府资助的和商业医疗保健项目提供全面整合、高质量和高成本效益的服务,重点关注投保不足和未投保的个人。Centene为全国近1/15的个人提供负担得起的高质量产品,包括医疗补助和医疗保险成员(包括医疗保险处方药计划),以及健康保险市场和TRICARE计划服务的个人和家庭。该公司还与其他医疗保健和商业组织签订合同,提供各种专注于治疗整个人的专业服务。Centene专注于长期增长和价值创造,以及人员、系统和能力的发展,以便更好地为其成员、供应商、当地社区和政府合作伙伴服务。   

Centene使用其投资者关系网站发布有关公司的重要信息,包括可能被视为对投资者重要的信息。关于Centene的财务和其他信息定期发布,并可在Centene投资者关系网站上访问, http://investors.centene.com/.


Forward-Looking Statements All statements, other than statements of current or historical fact, contained in this press release are forward-looking statements. Without limiting the foregoing, forward-looking statements often use words such as "believe," "anticipate," "plan," "expect," "estimate," "intend," "seek," "target," "goal," "may," "will," "would," "could," "should," "can," "continue" and other similar words or expressions (and the negative thereof). Centene Corporation and its subsidiaries (Centene, the Company, our or we) intends such forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe-harbor provisions for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, and we are including this statement for purposes of complying with these safe-harbor provisions. In particular, these statements include, without limitation, statements about expected contract start dates and terms, our future operating or financial performance, market opportunity, competition, expected activities in connection with completed and future acquisitions and dispositions, our investments and the adequacy of our available cash resources. These forward-looking statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are based on numerous assumptions and assessments made by us in light of our experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions, business strategies, operating environments, future developments and other factors we believe appropriate. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and are subject to change because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future, including economic, regulatory, competitive and other factors that may cause our or our industry's actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions. All forward-looking statements included in this press release are based on information available to us on the date hereof. Except as may be otherwise required by law, we undertake no obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements included in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, after the date hereof. You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, as actual results may differ materially from projections, estimates, or other forward-looking statements due to a variety of important factors, variables and events including, but not limited to: our ability to design and price products that are competitive and/or actuarially sound including but not limited to any impacts resulting from Medicaid redeterminations; our ability to maintain or achieve improvement in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Star ratings and maintain or achieve improvement in other quality scores in each case that can impact revenue and future growth; our ability to accurately predict and effectively manage health benefits and other operating expenses and reserves, including fluctuations in medical utilization rates; competition, including for providers, broker distribution networks, contract reprocurements and organic growth; our ability to adequately anticipate demand and provide for operational resources to maintain service level requirements; our ability to manage our information systems effectively; disruption, unexpected costs, or similar risks from business transactions, including acquisitions, divestitures, and changes in our relationships with third parties; impairments to real estate, investments, goodwill, and intangible assets; changes in senior management, loss of one or more key personnel or an inability to attract, hire, integrate and retain skilled personnel; membership and revenue declines or unexpected trends; rate cuts or other payment reductions or delays by governmental payors and other risks and uncertainties affecting our government businesses; changes in healthcare practices, new technologies, and advances in medicine; increased healthcare costs; inflation and interest rates; the effect of social, economic, and political conditions and geopolitical events, including as a result of changes in U.S. presidential administrations or Congress; changes in market conditions; changes in federal or state laws or regulations, including changes with respect to income tax reform or government healthcare programs as well as changes with respect to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act (collectively referred to as the ACA) and any regulations enacted thereunder; uncertainty concerning government shutdowns, debt ceilings or funding; tax matters; disasters, climate-related incidents, acts of war or aggression or major epidemics; changes in expected contract start dates; changes in provider, broker, vendor, state, federal, foreign, and other contracts and delays in the timing of regulatory approval of contracts, including due to protests; the expiration, suspension, or termination of our contracts with federal or state governments (including, but not limited to, Medicaid, Medicare or other customers); the difficulty of predicting the timing or outcome of legal or regulatory audits, investigations, proceedings or matters, including, but not limited to, our ability to resolve claims and/or allegations made by states with regard to past practices on acceptable terms, or at all, or whether additional claims, reviews or investigations will be brought by states, the federal government or shareholder litigants, or government investigations; challenges to our contract awards; cyber-attacks or other data security incidents; the exertion of management's time and our resources, and other expenses incurred and business changes required in connection with complying with the terms of our contracts and the undertakings in connection with any regulatory, governmental, or third party consents or approvals for acquisitions or dispositions; any changes in expected closing dates, estimated purchase price, or accretion for acquisitions or dispositions; losses in our investment portfolio; restrictions and limitations in connection with our indebtedness; a downgrade of our corporate family rating, issuer rating or credit rating of our indebtedness; the availability of debt and equity financing on terms that are favorable to us and risks and uncertainties discussed in the reports that Centene has filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This list of important factors is not intended to be exhaustive. We discuss certain of these matters more fully, as well as certain other factors that may affect our business operations, financial condition, and results of operations, in our filings with the SEC, including our annual report on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K. Due to these important factors and risks, we cannot give assurances with respect to our future performance, including without limitation our ability to maintain adequate premium levels or our ability to control our future medical and selling, general and administrative costs.


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