
时间:2024-09-23 编辑: 浏览:(378)

Yesterday, a little-known rule proposed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that is disliked by vast numbers of finance firms — particularly banks — and vehemently opposed by the majority of the crypto industry is essentially getting revived by President Joseph Biden. Analysts predict that bullish momentum is about to begin and consequently extend to other tokens in the crypto market. Today, Ankr, Tron, Ethena, and Pepe Network emerge as top gainers, showcasing the widespread momentum propelling digital assets forward. We analyze these coins to determine their profitability. 5 Best Cheap Crypto to Buy Now Under 1 Dollar Ethena’s modest 3.3% surge in 24 hours signals a distinct shift in trajectory for the token. This Analysis examines some factors responsible for the resurgence of the altcoin, especially after an extended downward trend. Meanwhile, since the launch of Sponge V2, the token has continued to post impressive performances and attract the interest of investors. The token exhibits remarkable resilience, with a surge of 85.68% since its launch, reaching its current price of {内容}.001732. This upward trajectory is significant, especially considering the token’s recent pullback phase. 1. Ethena (ENA) Ethena remains in the spotlight thanks to its synthetic dollar system. The upcoming week is crucial for ENA because planned token unlocks could cause significant price swings. The token gained 3.74% in the previous 24 hours to trade at {内容}.8459. Although the price gain is modest, the token has shown resilience to shrug off a recent rough patch. Meanwhile, Ethena Labs recently partnered with Binance, Bybit, OKX, and Bitget Wallets. Now, users can store Ethena’s stablecoin, USDe, in these wallets. Additionally, Ethena offers a 20% bonus to customers who stake USDe using these wallets. Experts believe this collaboration will simplify staking for ENA users and attract more stakers, increasing activity on the ENA network. However, since the announcement, ENA has seen a 36% decrease due to market volatility caused by tensions in the Middle East. Despite this, analysts predict ENA could rise to .81 as more people stake USDe for the generous rewards.

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