
时间:2024-09-22 编辑: 浏览:(711)


“The trustee is moving coins to a different wallet in preparation of the distribution that will likely happen this year,” he 推文. “There is no imminent sale of bitcoins happening.”






Blockchain sleuths sounded the alarm on Tuesday as a wallet belonging to Mt. Gox 发送了960亿美元的比特币 to an unknown wallet, prompting rumors that creditor redistributions had begun. According to Arkham Intelligence, the estate’s BTC now sits in three separate blockchain wallets holding 47,229 BTC each.


Glassnode lead analyst 詹姆斯查克 said creditors are likely to view Bitcoin’s current price—north of ,000 at the time of writing—as their new cost basis rather than the sub ,000 price at which they acquired their coins one decade ago. As such, he predicts that very few investors will exhibit profit-taking behavior once they’re repaid.

“Whilst I have not completely established my view, my gut feel is it will have the same level of signal to tracking whales and exchange balances… not much,” 推文 Check on Tuesday.

Last year, Mt. Gox trustee Nobuaki Kobayashi published a 函数 establishing the exchange’s repayment deadline as October 31, 2024.

Edited by 史蒂西·埃利奥特.

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