
时间:2024-10-02 编辑: 浏览:(28)

Achieving good returns in a strong market involves monitoring the top cryptocurrencies and preparing Altcoins for growth. Yet, spotting the next prominent cryptocurrency can be challenging because many investors focus on already popular assets. This article explores the performance of cryptocurrencies that have dominated the gainers list in the last 24 hours. The objective is to identify the next cryptocurrencies to explode and inform investors and traders about each token. Also included in the post is an overview of the market trend of crypto assets, which have the potential to post significant gains in the future. Next Cryptocurrency To Explode Today’s Analysis details the performance of the cryptos that investors should add to their watchlist. It also includes a special mention of Sealana, a Solana meme coin that introduces Features and widgets to accommodate different investor preferences. The details of its presale and the performance of the top-performing crypto today are shared below. 1. Chiliz (CHZ) Chiliz’s price has jumped by 19% in the past 24 hours, reaching {内容}.1346 as of 7:18 p.m. EST. This surge is accompanied by a significant increase in trading volume, which has risen 747.30% to 8 million. After falling from {内容}.1668, the price is trending upward, establishing a solid support zone where buyers can regroup and recover losses. A reversal at the {内容}.1043 level has sparked bullish sentiment, allowing buyers to initiate a steady rally. They aim to push the price towards the March 13 high of {内容}.1672. This recent spike is influenced by the announcement that Naver Pay, a widely used mobile payment service, is partnering with Chiliz to expand its global services with Web3 innovations. The 50-day and 200-day simple moving averages (SMAs) are below the current price, indicating upward momentum. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) has been hovering around the 50 midline level but is now showing signs of rebounding, currently at 57. As momentum increases, the RSI might rise into the overbought zone, suggesting intense buying pressure. At the same time, Chiliz price bulls seem prepared for a further upward move. With a robust support zone at {内容}.1043, the bulls could push the price to {内容}.1672 in the coming weeks. 2. OriginTrail (TRAC) Three days ago, OriginTrail (TRAC) reached a significant milestone by surpassing the mark, forming a rounding bottom pattern on its price chart. This pattern suggests increasing buying pressure for the DePIN token, highlighted by TRAC’s notable 18.50% gain over the past week. Later the day, TRAC’s price dipped below , falling to 0.9024 within 24 hours. However, it has since rebounded by over 5%, and market sentiment remains optimistic. Currently, the OriginTrail price prediction sentiment is bullish, and the Fear & Greed Index stands at 75 (Greed). OriginTrail creates a trusted knowledge infrastructure for AI, ensuring the accuracy of information and fighting misinformation. Its Decentralized Knowledge Graph allows for efficient search and AI-powered solutions. Moreover, the project’s dedication to open-source technical development fosters a collaborative environment. The project collaborates with organizations such as the British Standards Institution and Walmart. The TRAC token, which drives the network, operates on Ethereum to secure the OriginTrail ecosystem. It is used for publishing and updating assets and as collateral on nodes.

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