OpenAI Research Institute Announcement

时间:2024-09-23 编辑: 浏览:(331)

Subject: GTC Program Renamed to Inception Program (NIP)

Dear Partners, Researchers, and Community Members,

Since its inception, our GTC (Global Tech Compute) initiative has been a vital force in advancing technological frontiers and supporting innovative research. To better reflect the vision and direction of the project, and to unify our brand recognition, we have decided to officially rename GTC to **Inception Program**, abbreviated as NIP.

This renaming is intended to strengthen the core mission of the project—utilizing cutting-edge technology to foster scientific innovation and support the development of the global research community. The Inception Program will continue to carry our commitment to open science and collaborative research, further expanding its influence across a broader range of research areas and collaborative opportunities.

Focus areas of the Inception Program (NIP) will include:

1. Technical Support and Resource Sharing** - Providing advanced computing resources and technical support to facilitate the implementation of innovative projects and research.

2. Interdisciplinary Collaboration** - Promoting interaction and collaboration between different disciplines to develop comprehensive solutions.

3. Education and Training** - Cultivating the next generation of scientists and engineers through workshops, online courses, and seminars.

Effective Date of Change

The name change is effective immediately. All public materials, research publications, and promotional content related to the project will utilize the new name—Inception Program (NIP) from now on.

We believe this change will help us more effectively communicate the goals and values of the project, while enhancing our connection with the global research community. We look forward to continuing our research journey under the new name, exploring more unknowns, and welcoming the new future of technological development together with all our partners.

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