新的加密货币今天发布、上市和预售-重播、Xelis、Zydio AI、隐藏硬币

时间:2024-09-24 编辑: 浏览:(346)

While most of the top cryptocurrencies are trading sideways or slightly down, Solana (SOL) has surged nearly 2.28% in the last 24 hours. Its price is 5. 03, up about 20. 36 % from the previous month. Despite a turbulent month that saw its value swing from a high of 4 to a low of nearly 0, Solana has been steadily climbing in the past week, outpacing the gains of Bitcoin and Ethereum. On the flip side, Bitcoin today recorded no changes at ,618. Moving in lockstep with Ethereum which has slightly dipped at 0. 84% to ,075. The significant gainers within the top 100 by market capitalisation are situated in the Solana ecosystem. New Cryptocurrency Releases, Listings & Presales Today This article explores four new coins. Replay (RPLAY) is a novel cryptocurrency built on the Theta Metachain, focusing on revolutionising video content storage. Xelis (XEL) stands out with its privacy-oriented design, leveraging technologies like BlockDAG and Homomorphic Encryption to enhance security. Zydio AI (ZDAI) is a pioneer in AI solutions, offering an AI Voice Assistant and an AI Wallet Bot for managing multiple cryptocurrency wallets. Lastly, Hide Coin (HIDE), part of the PrivacyBridge Protocol by Secretblock.io introduces an innovative framework for anonymous transactions and seamless swaps. 1. Replay (RPLAY) Replay (RPLAY) is a relatively new cryptocurrency that has gained attention in the crypto space. It was minted to track video content and is built on the Theta Metachain. The project aims to revolutionise how video content is stored, shared, and monetised. RPLAY runs on Theta Metachain, a blockchain tailor-made for video streaming and content delivery. Seeking to solve problems associated with copyright infringement, content ownership, and fair compensation for creators. The new token’s functionality exceeds that of traditional cryptocurrencies, and it focuses on the video industry.

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