加密货币游说者正忙于为2024年大选做准备| Protos

时间:2024-09-20 编辑: 浏览:(217)

For the 2024 US presidential election, cryptocurrency is probably very low on the list of priorities for most voters. Domestically, there are many important issues like abortion, student loans, AI, immigration, social media regulation, and healthcare costs. On foreign policy, there are multiple military conflicts vying for people’s attention: Russia vs. Ukraine, Israel vs. Palestine, or China vs. Taiwan – to name just a few. Nevertheless, while Crypto is probably not a deciding issue for most, there is a small yet curiously growing Bitcoin maximalist community of single issue voters. Are you a single issue voter with the single issue being a candidate who is pro Bitcoin? — The Wolf Of All Streets (@scottmelker) July 31, 2023 Hundreds of voters say they are a single issue voter for bitcoin. Crypto broadly has also attracted some national attention – mostly due to the total collapse of the gargantuan, billion FTX and the millions of US customers it harmed. Crypto also gained mainstream press from celebrity scandals like Kim Kardashian, Logan Paul, Soulja Boy, Katy Perry, DJ Khaled, Austin Mahone, Floyd Mayweather, Tom Brady, Gisele Bündchen, and Larry David. All of these celebrities promoted crypto assets that are now nearly worthless. Crypto promoters earned a 10X since the 2020 election Crypto is attracting more attention this election season than ever before, yet mostly for the wrong reasons. After all, the market capitalization of crypto has increased 1,000% since the last US presidential election. With their newfound gains, crypto millionaires are happy to throw their weight – and checkbooks – around Washington DC. For example, someone trolled Elizabeth Warren by sending a request to her office to have a flag raised over the U.S. Capitol building in honor of Satoshi Nakamoto as part of the Capitol Flag Program. Coinbase alone spent .16 million on lobbying during the first three quarters of 2023. Foris DAX also funded lobbying by the businesses and organizations it backs, including the Blockchain Association. According to Blockchain Association CEO Kristen Smith, its lobbying included efforts to “bridge the education gap” among policymakers and “build a commonsense regulatory framework.” The biggest crypto lobbyist, FTX, is bankrupt Several political candidates have been publicly embarrassed by revelations that they either took direct or indirect donations from FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried or an FTX-funded PAC. A criminal conviction proved that Bankman-Fried stole FTX customers’ money around the time he paid millions of dollars to lobbyists. Bankman-Fried made no secret of backing Crypto-friendly Democratic candidates, for example. Those millions from FTX and Bankman-Fried have, of course, dried up since FTX went bankrupt. Bankman-Fried had previously spent million to influence the 2022 midterm elections with mixed results. However, that does not mean that crypto lobbyists have gone away. Even with FTX money gone, crypto lobbyists have tried to keep working. They kickstarted a bill that would have provided a regulatory framework around so-called stablecoins. The collapse of Terraform Labs and its multi-billion dollar algorithmic stablecoin UST highlighted the risks surrounding stablecoins. Over the years, Protos has covered hundreds of instances of various stablecoins deviating from their intended peg. In response, giant stablecoin issuer Tether got involved in Washington DC itself. It spent 0,000 on lobbying during the first three quarters of 2023. This is a negligible expense given that its eponymous stablecoin tether (USDT) has a market cap exceeding 0 billion — the world’s third-largest Crypto asset. Read more: Here’s what the biggest stablecoins spent on lobbying in the US Cheering for the understaffed, crypto-friendly CFTC Crypto lobbyists also moved to displace authority from the well-staffed SEC to the drastically smaller and more crypto-friendly CFTC. Bills that would “better define” the responsibilities of the SEC regarding digital assets advanced in committees in December 2023 thanks in large part to crypto lobbyists’ efforts. For years, pro-crypto lobbyists have cast doubt on the SEC and characterized the CFTC versus SEC jurisdictional overlap as a tug of war between equally competent, staffed, and effectual regulators. They also drum up immense media attention for the SEC’s rare losses in court against crypto defendants. These two lines of lobbying and public relations work help to keep politicians distracted from the overwhelmingly victorious track record of the SEC against crypto promoters who violate securities laws. “It’s just been a busy war,” Coinbase Chief Policy Officer Faryar Shirzad while discussing the bills and Coinbase’s multi-million-dollar lobbying efforts. Crypto lobbyists also have not relented in funding Political Action Committees (PACs) that support crypto-friendly candidates. Fairshake raised million to support pro-digital asset candidates, for example, from businesses like Coinbase, Binance, Ripple, and Andreessen Horowitz (a16z). Moreover, crypto lobbyists are not limiting their efforts to influencing candidates running for Congress. The Chamber of Digital Commerce, DeFi Education Fund, and even Senator Cynthia Lummis sent amicus briefs calling for the dismissal of the SEC’s case against Coinbase to the federal court presiding over that case. The Blockchain Association and Crypto Freedom Alliance of Texas recently filed a lawsuit alleging that the SEC violated rules for creating new regulations when it expanded its definition of “dealer” to include potentially relevant digital asset activity. Read more: Binance ordered to pay .7B to CFTC, former chief to pay 0M Politicians talk crypto now Even politicians themselves have tried to make crypto a matter of some national policies. Senator Elizabeth Warren warned of US adversaries like Iram outcompeting US-based Bitcoin miners. Tertiary presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy announced a plan for digital assets that included using bitcoin to somehow partially back the US Dollar and eliminating some capital gains taxes involving sales of bitcoin. Although it is unclear whether crypto lobbyists have personally communicated with Donald Trump, the leading Republican candidate recently changed his tune on bitcoin. Previously, he called bitcoin a scam. More recently, however, Trump called crypto an “additional form of currency.” Part of his change in tune could be explained by the millions in ETH he received by selling questionable NFTs, sneakers, and event tickets. I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, which are not money, and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air. Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade and other illegal activity…. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2019 Donald Trump has changed his mind about Bitcoin since 2019. Read more: Tucker Carlson interview bumps price of ridiculous Trump NFTs While some politicians are unlikely to change their negative stance toward digital assets so close to the November 2024 presidential election, others seem at least open to learning more about it. Lobbyists are certainly ready to answer questions about digital assets – perhaps over cocktails at Hillwood, the Meridian Ball, or any of Washington DC’s other decadent galas. Got a tip? Send us an email or ProtonMail. For more informed news, follow us on X, Instagram, Bluesky, and Google News, or subscribe to our YouTube channel. election lobbyists lobbyist crypto bitcoin us election Source: protos.com 共有Facebook推特Pinterest LinkedIn汤博乐电子邮件 上一篇文章德国警方在盗版网站破获50000比特币下一篇文章SmartyTrade福利和赠品 相关帖子“天才”人工智能加密项目LP因“假代币”黑客攻击损失130万美元,疑似地毯被扯|Protos 2024年5月6日-2915次浏览量第一个也是最大的比特币符文一个月内下跌85%|Protos 2022年5月06日-6700次浏览量卡地亚珠宝继承人因用美元洗钱被捕2024年3月3日-9821次浏览量意见:双子座希望你投票给反民主政客2024年05月03日-283次浏览量这对朋友来说是一次混乱的发布。tech的friend代币2024年06月03日-5034次浏览量独家新闻:Justin Sun在诉讼中谎称外交豁免权2024年02月-6499次浏览量 加密货币新闻今日新的加密货币发布、上市和预售-RabbitPad、Love Power Coin、STYLE Protocol、Y8U加密货币新闻2024年5月6日-8541次观看Ripple Coin突破初始障碍并将目标锁定在0.57美元的高点加密货币新闻2020年5月06日-5669次观看5次必须观看的Meme Coin 10倍潜力-最佳加密货币立即购买加密货币新闻2022年5月07日-7623次观看最佳加密货币现在购买5月6日电-Filecoin、Manta Network、Fantom加密货币新闻5月06日电6972次观看Binance Coin振荡并卡在635美元的高点加密货币新闻2024年5月6日-1201浏览量5最便宜的加密货币现在购买低于1美元5月6加密货币新闻5月062024-5297浏览量

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