
时间:2024-09-21 编辑: 浏览:(779)





“Through our offering, Banque Raiffeisen will benefit from a comprehensive instant payments solution and a fast time to market that provides added value. We look forward to working more closely with Banque Raiffeisen in new and exciting ways,” said Sheri Brandon, CMO of Financial Services 在 Worldline.

We are pleased to announce that we signed a contract with #银行自由, making them #世界线's first client on our cloud-based #即时支付 solution in Luxembourg. Read more at 没有任何其他信息.#支付 没有任何消息.

— Worldline (@WorldlineGlobal) 2024年5月29日

瑞丰银行执行委员会成员埃里克·佩耶 (Eric Peyer) 表示,由于获得即时支付,该银行将扩大为客户提供的服务范围,并准备在销售点和同行对等支付领域进一步发展.

“We have signed this agreement with Worldline, a valued partner for the clearing 清算 清算是一个一般术语,根据主题和相关行业简单地意味着许多不同的东西.最常见的是,这指银行之间的支票和草案的相互交换,以及在清算机构清算的差异或总额的索赔.在金融和银行业,清算这个词根据更具体的商业模式有不同的含义.将支票从存放的银行转移到它们被提取的银行. Th 清算是一个一般术语,根据主题和相关行业简单地意味着许多不同的东西.最常见的是,这指银行之间的支票和草案的相互交换,以及在清算机构清算的差异或总额的索赔.在金融和银行业,清算这个词根据更具体的商业模式有不同的含义.将支票从存放的银行转移到它们被提取的银行. Th 阅读此条款 and settlement of SEPA payments for over 15 years, because we are confident that this allows us to smoothly implement instant payments in line with the regulatory requirements and deadlines,” added Peyer.


Two weeks ago, Worldline formed 与Visa的合作 to serve as its global scheme partner, aiming to provide online travel agencies (OTAs) with a specialized B2B virtual card program.

In April, Crédit Agricole and Worldline collaborated 引入CAWL, a new brand designed to offer customized solutions to merchants across various industries. CAWL merges Worldline's expertise in global payments 支付 支付是指从一个方以换取商品或服务向另一个实体转让合法货币或同等货币.支付行业已成为现代商业的固定因素,尽管参与者和交换手段随着时间的推移而发生了巨大变化.特别是,支付方被称为支付方,而收款人反映了收到支付的个人或实体. 支付是指从一个方以换取商品或服务向另一个实体转让合法货币或同等货币.支付行业已成为现代商业的固定因素,尽管参与者和交换手段随着时间的推移而发生了巨大变化.特别是,支付方被称为支付方,而收款人反映了收到支付的个人或实体. 阅读此条款 services technology with Crédit Agricole Group’s banking market presence.


The French payment and transactional services company 报告第一季度集团收入 of nearly €1.1 billion for 2024, achieving an organic growth of 2.5%. The revenue breakdown shows €787 million generated from merchant services, an increase of 3.9%, and €225 million from financial services, which saw a decline of 1.4%.

Additionally, in late February, 世界线公布2023年年度业绩, noting an organic revenue growth to €4.61 billion, a 6% increase from the previous year. For 2024, Worldline has set a target for at least 3% organic revenue growth and aims for €1.17 billion in EBITDA.

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