Floki 40%的价格飙升背后是什么?分析关键因素

时间:2024-09-20 编辑: 浏览:(652)

FLOKI的价格在过去七天里上涨了40%,有可能带来更多涨幅。 代币持有者的平均利润为63%。

After a notable fall below 0 million on the 26th of May, 弗洛基的 volume is back with a bang. According to AMBCrypto’s analysis of the market, FLOKI’s volume hit .34 billion on the 28th.



The impact of the 体积 also reflected in the price. At press time, FLOKI changed hands at {内容}.0003023, which was a 40% increase in the last seven days. This meant that the token was 12.01% away from resisting its all-time high of {内容}.0003436.



The last is a trading bot which seemed to be the reason behind the surge in demand. According to the 公告 on X (formerly Twitter), the trading bot would allow on-chain trading on Telegram.





Despite the price increase, on-chain data 显示 that the token might not tumble even though some analysts are saying the price has hit the top.


This means that if every holder sells their tokens, they would get an average 利润 of 63%. Apart from profitability, the metric also shows if an asset is undervalued or otherwise.

For many, FLOKI could be termed 估价过高 considering the incredible gains it has had. However, that might not be true. For instance, the MVRV ratio hit 105% on the 11th of March.

Read Floki的[Floki]价格预测 2024-2025



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