石巴伊努 (SHIB) 交易员将2625美元转化为1100万美元

时间:2024-09-20 编辑: 浏览:(448)

According to cryptocurrency analysis firm 链上看, a Shiba Inu (SHIB) diamond trader has become active after 3.5 years of dormancy. The trader spent 2 ETH, worth around ,625, to buy 48.09 billion SHIB tokens on Feb. 1, 2021, when the token was trading for around {内容}.00000001. The trader sold their SHIB holdings for 278.7 ETH, worth around .1 million, a gain of 41,804%, or 419X.





据CoinCodex报道,Shiba Inu (SHIB) 股价可能在2024年6月25日上升至0.00008371美元.从目前水平上达到0.00008371美元将转化为约238.3%的上.此外,0.00008371美元非常接近SHIB的历史高点.如果SHIB达到0.00008371美元,其价格可能超过2021年的峰值.

Source: 币代码

变化 also paints a bullish picture for SHIB in June. The platform anticipates SHIB to hit {内容}.00008373 on June 24, 2024, a similar prediction to CoinCodex.

另外阅读: 石巴伊努:如果比特币达到7万美元,石巴可能会升多高

电台, on the other hand, is more bullish on Shiba Inu (SHIB). The platform predicts SHIB to hit a maximum price of {内容}.0000601 in 2024. Reaching {内容}.0000601 from current levels would entail a growth of about 142.9%.


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